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Creating Communities of Welcome-SBI Event

Sister Benita Coffey, OSB

On Saturday, September 21, 2019, Oblate Kathlyn Myers and Sister Benita Coffey, OSB were significantly involved in the annual educational event

sponsored by Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants, (SBI) of which they are active members. The conference was co-sponsored by Catholic Theological

Union (CTU) in Hyde Park where the conference was held. About 80 responded to the invitation to the morning’s offering titled CREATING COMMUNITIES OF WELCOME: What would You have us do?

There was an outstanding panel of three, (representing religious, business, and political sectors), each sharing her/his thoughts and reflections. They provided from their perspectives what concrete actions might be done by ordinary citizens. Carmen Nanko-Fernandez, theology professor at CTU, was followed by Irakere Picon of Illinois Business Immigration Coalition. Last to speak was Representative Jan Schakowsky of U.S. House f Representatives, and following her passionate remarks there were questions, answers, and comments. After a break, two young adults, themselves migrants shared their personal experiences, facilitated

by Brother Michael Gosch, CSV.

As a fitting closure to the morning, there was a public witness, with over a dozen of the participants walking with signs to the intersection of 55th and Hyde Park, where they stood on the four corners calling attention to those walking or driving past of the need for more just and humane immigration policies in our nation.

Blog post by Sister Benita Coffey, OSB

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