Among many of her responsibilities, Vocation Minister, Sister Belinda Monahan, OSB, (pictured right) Directs RCIA at Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University. In November, one of the Sheil students, Megan Angell, asked Sister Belinda to serve as the spiritual assistant for a newly formed Pietre Vive community, which translates to Living Stones. Pietre Vive is an international communion of youth which aims to announce Jesus Christ through the beauty of sacred and religious heritage that brings youth together to evangelize through art. Pietre Vive at Sheil is the first of its kind in the United States.
The Sheil Pietre Vive community held their first “service” at the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii on May 26th. The students offered a guided architecture tour of the Shrine and furnished the patrons with art-history and spirituality. Here are a few photos from their service:
Sister Belinda recently attended the Pietre Vive formation camp in Zurich, Switzerland at the beginning of May which you can read more about in the upcoming issue of Sacro Speco.
Reflecting on the inaugural chapter of Pietre Vive and serving as the spiritual assistant Sister Belinda says, “Pietre Vive provides young adults with an encounter of the church through art and architecture, to encourage them to form an adult faith, and to spread that faith through their service in the church. I am so excited to be part of the first US community and hope to see it spread more widely in this country."
To learn more about Pietre Vive, please visit their website here: http://www.pietre-vive.org/
Photo credits: Christian Surtz