Photo of the group gathered in the Community Room for the National Catholic Sisters Week 2019 Movie Night Event Monday, March 11, 2019.
For National Catholic Sisters Week, an annual celebration that takes place from March 8-14 to honor women religious, Vocation Minister Sister Belinda Monahan, OSB, organized a Movie Night held on Monday, March 11, 2019, in the Community Room. The NCSW2019 Event in a Box! provided us the "Missions of Hope" documentary that features our very own Sister Belinda Monahan, OSB, an archeologist in Chicago; Sister Xiomara Méndez-Hernández, OP, a former fashion designer in Chicago; Mother Maria Francis, a leader of the Little Sisters of the Poor in St. Paul, Minn.; and Sister Mumbi Kigutha, CPPS, a newly professed Catholic sister from Kenya who has worked for the United Nations.

Photo of the "Missions of Hope" documentary being premiered on the Community Room TV from Sister Belinda Monahan's laptop.
The group gathered to watch the 39-minute documentary and then discussed the important themes of the diversity of each Sister as well as their unique discernment journey. It was a very fruitful conversation and a lovely way to celebrate National Catholic Sisters Week!
If you would like to view the documentary, please visit the following link on the Sister Story website. View Missions of Hope here.
Screenshot of the SisterStory website where you can find and watch the "Missions of Hope" documentary.