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American Benedictine Academy: Artisans of the Monastery Round-Up

Writer's picture: Benedictine Sisters of ChicagoBenedictine Sisters of Chicago

Caption: Maria Ambre, Oblate Matt Ambre, Sister Virginia Jung, OSB, Sister Susan Quaintance, OSB, Sister Benita Coffey, OSB, and Sister Mary Ann O’Ryan, OSB pictured together at the ABA Biennial Convention at St. Benedict Monastery in St. Joseph, MN (July 2018).

Oblates and Sisters traveled to St. Joseph, MN from July 19-22, 2018 to attend the American Benedictine Academy Biennial Convention held at St. Benedict Monastery. “Artisans of the Monastery” was the theme for the convention and our St. Scholastica Monastery Oblates and Sisters participated in a variety of artistic displays and conversations throughout the convention. From needlework to the artistic process and Benedictine values, the group thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to view the art and bask in the architecture of St. John’s Abbey in addition to St. Benedict Monastery, St. Joseph, MN.

Sister Virginia Jung, OSB, reflects on the ABA experience by saying, "I was thrilled to see Matt and Maria's artwork on display in the Convention Exhibit and to hear their stories of their own inspiration for their work and processes they used to create it. This ABA Convention was truly a feast for the eyes and the ears, the mind and the heart. I encourage Benedictine Sisters, Oblates and all lovers of Benedict to join American Benedictine Academy because the newsletter and biennial convention are fun, rich ways to engage in ongoing formation."

View more photos from the ABA Convention here:

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