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Oblates Host Lecture on Forgiveness Given by Judy Logue

Writer's picture: Benedictine Sisters of ChicagoBenedictine Sisters of Chicago

Judy Logue (center with white sweater) is surrounded by St. Scholastica Monastery Oblates and Sister Benita Coffey, OSB (left) Director of Oblates.

The Benedictine Oblates of St. Scholastica Monastery sponsored the inspiring lecture afternoon Sunday, January 21, 2018 where Judy Logue spoke on the topic of forgiveness. Logue's lecture "Forgiving the People You Love to Hate: the Psychology and Spirituality of Forgiveness" was well received at the Monastery and was Live-streamed for our online community as well. Logue both challenged and provided guidance to navigate the waters of forgiveness that will surely resonate beyond the afternoon.

If you were unable to attend, fortunately, the audio lecture is available at the bottom of this blog post as well as a link to our Livestream video through Facebook.

If you are interested in learning more about Benedictine Oblates, contact Sister Benita Coffey, Director of Oblates, at or 773.764.2413 x327.

Judy Logue at the podium of the St. Scholastica Monastery Sunday January 21, 2018.

Judy Logue giving examples of what forgiveness is and is not on Sunday, January, 21, 2018.

Judy Logue has long been active in lay ministry - as an RCIA Director, a retreat facilitator, a writer, an adjunct professor in the Theology Department at Catholic Theological Union and the founding Director of the Emmaus Formation Program for Lay Students at CTU. She and her husband live in Evanston, attend Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University, have three grown sons and now enjoy their grandchildren.

Please listen to the audio of Judy Logue's lecture sponsored by the St. Scholastica Monastery Oblates by clicking the play button link below.

We are very grateful to the Benedictine Oblates for their organization of this event and we are most grateful to Judy Logue for providing such an insightful lecture to our community and guests. If you would like to continue to support our sisters and their ministries, please consider making a donation today. Thank you for your gift. We remember all our supporters in our daily prayers.

To make a tax-deductible contribution, pay by credit card through our secure PayPal here.

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