On Friday October 20th, 2017, community archivist, Sister Virginia Jung, OSB (at the podium, right) organized an Open Archives Event featuring the life of Miriam Wilson, OSB and her work as prison chaplain and death penalty abolitionist. Archival materials of Sister Miriam’s monastic life that influenced her work as chaplain at Cook County Jail were exhibited on several tables for patrons to read before a performance of “Miriam, In Her Own Words” by the Northwind Players of the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago’s St. Scholastica Monastery and Still Point Theatre. Following the performance many community members shared fond memories of Sister Miriam’s vast impact on the lives of so many.

Letters, photos, newspaper articles as well as one of Sister Miriam Wilson's dissertations for one of her master’s degrees were all on display before the performance.

Sisters from the community shared in discussion of the profound respect Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ had for Sister Miriam Wilson, OSB. On display was the tribute letter from Sister Helen read at Sister Miriam's funeral.
To learn more about the Chicago Area Archives and the #ChicagoOpenArchives event visit here.
To view more photos from the Open Archives at Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Event go to our Facebook album here.