There are some inspiring films nominated for the Academy Awards this year, so we asked some of our sisters about the films that have inspired them over their lifetimes. Here are some of their favorites:

Of Gods and Men, recommended by Sister Patricia Coughlin

High Noon, recommended by Sister Eleanore Hillenbrand

Miracle of St. Therese, recommended by Sister Victoria Marconi

On Golden Pond, recomennded by Sister Ann Sharp

Saving Grace, recommended by Sister Margarita Walters

Dior and I, recommended by Sister Virginia Jung

The Last Angry Man, recommended by Sister Judith Murphy

War Room , recommended by Sister Patti Cielinski

Places in the Heart, recommended by Sister Judith Zonsius
You can click the blue links above to learn more about each movie. If you find yourself moved to host your own inspiring film night, take a picture and email it to us here with the name of the movie you watched (it doesn't have to be one listed above). We may then share your photo on our social media feeds to inspire others!

Sister Victoria remembers watching her favorite inspiring film, Miracle of St. Therese, many decades ago. We were happy to discover it has been reissued and is available at Ignatius Press.