What is an Oblate?
Oblates of St. Benedict are women or men, single or married, who seek a deeper relationship with God through association with a Benedictine community.
St. Scholastica Monastery, Chicago, has over 100 Oblate members, two groups of which meet in Chicago and one group that meets in Colorado. Many of our members also live in other states and share our community in spirit.
We join with the Benedictine Sisters to share in the apostolic work and prayer of the community in order to live and share the spirit of St. Benedict. Integrating prayer and work, we manifest Christ's presence in society and we seek to become holy in our chosen way of life. In our daily lives, we extend Benedictine values into the world by applying the teachings of the Rule of Benedict within our family circles, in our places of work, and in our civic and social communities.
Explore Your Call: How do I become an Oblate?
The first step in becoming an Oblate is to contact the monastery. After an initial contact, the applicant will be given material about the Oblates, in general. If your interest continues, a visit is scheduled with the Oblate Director. During this meeting, you can learn more information about our program and ask any questions.
Stages of Formation for Oblates
Enrollment: If you feel that the Benedictine path will offer you direction on your spiritual journey, applicants will then be invited to attend the scheduled Oblate meetings and be enrolled as Oblate candidates. At their enrollment, Oblates receive a Benedictine medal and a copy of the Rule of Benedict to assist them on their journey.
Candidacy: A time of candidacy includes a monthly orientation session with the Oblate Director, the beginning of their study of the Rule of Benedict, and time to discover how it can apply to your daily life. Oblate candidates are encouraged to join the Oblates at their monthly meetings. Those unable to attend meetings will be provided with readings and alternate arrangements so that they may become acquainted with the community and the Oblate program.
Oblation: After a designated time, usually about a year, if the candidate desires and the Oblate team approves, the Oblate makes his or her Oblation, a commitment to be a faithful witness of Christ and to live according to the values of the Gospel. By the Act of Oblation, the Oblates promise to offer themselves to God, to continue to seek and to praise the Lord, and to serve God and all people according to the spirit of the Rule of St. Benedict.
Could God be calling me to become an Oblate?
Yes! God calls each of us to something special. Perhaps God is calling you to this particular way of life. If you are interested in learning more, contact Sister Benita Coffey, Director of Oblates, at bcoffey@osbchicago.org or 773.764.2413 x327.