Do you hear the voice of God in your life, but are not sure where it is calling you?
Do you long to live a life of prayer and service?
Are you searching for a community where you can become fully yourself?
If you are asking yourself these questions, you might be called to religious life.
Please note, the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago will not be recruiting or accepting new members at this time. However, we will continue to assist anyone discerning ministry in the church in any way possible.

Let us prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may He bring us all together to everlasting life.
-Rule of Benedict, Chapter 72

Stages of Formation
Explore your call and learn more about the stages of formation to become a Benedictine Sister. >>Click here.
Common Questions & Resources
We all had questions before we entered community. You probably do, too. Discover some answers and resources as you discern where God is calling you. >>Click here.
Sister Stories
Read the stories of some of our sisters who listened to the voice of God calling them to Benedictine life. >>Click here.

As monastic women we live in community, bringing that unity with God and one another to the world.
Our personal and communal prayer allows us to hear the voice of God in our lives and leads us to minister to the people of God.
Our lives together allows us to focus on questions of social justice and bringing the presence of God into the world.