Benedictine Sisters of Chicago
St. Scholastica Monastery
7430 N. Ridge Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60645, 773.764.2413
Prioress, Sister Mary Susan Remsgar, x230, email
Sub-Prioress, Sister Susan Quaintance, x231, email
Director of Development, Joanne Spata, x233, email
Development Asst. & Address Changes, Jackie LeSanche, x241, email
Communications Coordinator, Susan Clark, x232, email
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Plan Your Visit
IF YOU DRIVE: Free parking is available via the northern service drive. The parking lot is past the house on your right.
IF YOU TAKE THE TRAIN: You can take the Purple, Yellow, or Red Line train to Howard Station. We are just a 15 minute walk west of the Howard Train Station. If you prefer, you can take a bus.
IF YOU TAKE THE BUS: Take the #97 Howard Bus to Ridge and Howard, then walk one block south to the monastery campus.