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Benedictine Coalition for Responsible Investment
National Vocation Awareness Week '19
Remembering Sister Eleanore Hillenbrand, OSB
Open House Chicago - Great Success!
Creating Communities of Welcome-SBI Event
Founders' Day August 23, 1861
Voices of Younger Sisters Heard at LCWR
Benedictine Oblate Directors Conference
Eleventh Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious (CHWR)
2019 Jubilarian Feast Day Celebration
25th Annual Testimonial Dinner
Evangelizing Through Art
Join us for 25th Annual Testimonial Dinner
Reelection of Prioress Sister Judith Murphy, OSB
At 96 Sister Victoria Plans A Road Trip
St. Scholastica Labyrinth Celebrates 20 Years
Stamp Collecting Ministry Ends
National Catholic Sisters Week 2019 Event
Featured Podcast: Sister Belinda Monahan, OSB
Oblates Host Award-Winning Author at Monastery