Our latest blog posts are below.
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Featured Podcast: Kevin Chears, Oblate
Feast of St. Benedict and Jubilee Mass
We are now in Ordinary time...and our time is anything but ordinary!
Contemplative Dialogue at Community Retreat
Oblates and Sisters Celebrate Fr. Mike's Retirement!
Remembering Sister Joan Gannon, OSB
World Labyrinth Day Quietly Celebrated May 2
Remembering Sister Johnette Sawyer, OSB
Sister Patricia Crowley, OSB Shares An Easter Message from Namibia
Oblates Share Creations During Lent and COVID-19
The Feast of St. Benedict
Remembering Sister Amy Campbell, OSB
Sister Susan Quaintance, OSB Speaks on Monasticism of the Future at Benedictine University
St. Walburg-Virgin and Abbess
The Feast of St. Scholastica - February 10, 2020
Podcast Guest: Sister Belinda Monahan, OSB
Benedictine Prioresses Gather in Yankton, SD
Interfaith Prayer Service: Becoming a Community of Hope
Remembering Sister Ann Sharp, OSB
Service-Learning Trip to Mexico-Arizona Border with Sister Belinda Monahan, OSB